Thursday, February 21, 2008

List Update

I can't believe how well I'm doing with #4. I'm actually cooking! Sometimes it's even stuff that didn't start out in a box or come from the frozen food aisle!!!! I've always HATED cooking, I'm still not a huge fan, but for some reason I'm feeling motivated to do it! So far I've made:

1. Meatloaf (believe it or not this was my first time!)
2. Chicken n' dumplings (from scratch)
3. BBQ ribs (in my crockpot)
4. Chipped beef w/ chicken (thanks Rob!)
5. Pork fried rice (also tried beef, chicken and shrimp)
6. Mac n' cheese (from scratch, came out great!)
7. Chicken/Steak fajitas
8. Pork Lo Mein and lumpia

Before I started this list I made a pineapple upside down cake and a bunch of Xmas cookies including p'nut butter cookies from scratch and iced pumpkin cookies.

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